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Those who've followed our learning journey for a while now will know how much I love our Planning Mondays. If you haven't heard about them, you can read about it HERE.

But sometimes friends, I'll be honest. I don't even have the energy in me to do a full planning morning. Or one of my kiddos is sick that day. Or we are having a just-flying-by-the-seat-of-our --pants-day (because as if that isn't fun right?!)

What do you do on those days?

Well for me, on those days (when the pain or fatigue levels are high and the voices extra loud that tell me I'm not doing enough - you know that one?!) I have a go to: it's a really simple planning sheet. We like it because it takes the pressure off myself, helps the kids to feel like they still have direction, is directed by them and helps us all feel like we have still achieved something that day.

This is what it looks like:

How it works

* They fil in the boxes (independent learning) with either words or pictures if they aren't at writing stage. * They bring it to me and I might offer a suggestion or two (if they've chosen to go to the moon for example, I might suggest we watch a YouTube about the moon instead ;) )

* They go about their activities (usually quite happily since they are things they have chosen themselves!)

Added benefit

* You can get your kiddo to simply date this and it can be part of their learning portfolio (aka learning folder with samples)

* It encourages independent thought and gives kids a taste of what it is like to make a plan and follow through with it.

Last pointer

* If they aren't sure and you aren't sure what to do, why not sign up to my FREE email course? There's a whole section that lists resources you can use. Also, did I mention - FREE?!

* I have these sheets printed off in a folder all ready to go which helps me the most on the days when I have very little left in the tank.

Well there you go friends, a really simple To Do List planner that is as simple as printing and pulling out on the rough days.

Find the sheet HERE. I hope this helps you and I'd love to hear from you if it does! Hugs,

Lusi x

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