Hi! Welcome!

Hi! I'm Lusi and I'm so glad you have found us here. I'm a long-term homeschooler (in our 13th year right now) of five awesome kiddos (3 have now graduated). I'm married to my bestie and together we have been learning at home. We are a rural-dwelling neurodiverse family (meaning we have lots of different diagnoses including people who are autistic, have ADHD, ODD, SPD, dyslexia, inattentive ADHD and other medical and mental health needs). I am neurotypical person and so can speak only from this place.
We are eclectic homeschoolers (with a bent towards unschooling) which means we use a variety of styles to suit us in our learning journey. We see that value in learning in EVERYDAY moments.
We value connection, character building and delight-directed learning.
I hope you are able to settle in with a cuppa and find some helpful links and info here that may encourage your heart.
I am a Messianic Christian and sometimes speak from that place. I was also a working musician until chronic illness made it too difficult for me to keep pursuing that. I love sitting under our trees in the backyard, catching up with friends and eating dark stevia chocolate.
Feel free to email me at: hello.thathomeschoollife@gmail.com